Butterfly-Fields Bed & Breakfast

Our pottery truly started with a goose at the door! Click here to find out the story behind our pottery studio.
Our B&B is unique in that it has a resident potter - Lynda! When she's not spending time with her animals or in the gardens putting her green thumb to use, you will find her in her pottery studio. In addition to pottery, Lynda also makes and sell homemade soap and jewerly. Her hand-crafted cold process soap is made with over 90% of the ingredients produced organically here at Butterfly Fields. It is a natural soap wich does not contain detergents (a protroleum product) found in most commercially made soaps.
Goose at the Door Pottery
Our pottery schedules its hours around our potter - Lynda Ells. Please call 410-271-1433 or email us at Innkeeper@butterfly-fields.com for hours or to schedule an appointment.